Mexican Word of the Week

Mexican word of the week: Orale vato, when all my family gets in the car there's not mushroom!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Vacation

Today’s entry was inspired by my “sis” Katie. Her entry was about how she never really went out this summer. I on the other hand went out but with my family. I went to Ulta and I completely love that place and make up, I saw 3 movies, (Toy Story 3, Eclipse and tomorrow Despicable Me) went ice skating, and went to my cousin’s house several times and went swimming. So I guess you can say my summer’s been “fun”. Well it has been on the days I’ve gone out and no I’m not a spoiled brat who has to go out to have fun and doesn’t appreciate anything that my parents do because I do. But the thing is, my mom was working the summer camp and I’ve stayed home till 4, which believe me isn’t the funnest way to spend half of your summer. I haven’t seen any of my friends at all, though I’ve kept contact with Katie and Aidan mostly. Too me it seems like everyone’s summer is going amazing. My only wish for this summer is that I can do something AMAZING, like a trip to Cali, which might actually happen towards the end of the month. So cross your fingers that I get to go or that we even go. I haven’t been to Cali since 4th grade and that was a school trip.

I also need a summer job. The reason why I want a job, besides the fact that I need money and tried of being home is that, this year in AVID they’re taking us to Cali to look at colleges/universities and have fun. I’m going to be 17 and hey a 4 day trip in Cali without my parents and surrounded by friends is flippin’ dream!!! Come on if your 17 or once was, you know this is a once in a life time opportunity that you cant pass up. The only kicker is that its going to cost a minimum of $300.

wish me luck :)