Mexican Word of the Week

Mexican word of the week: Orale vato, when all my family gets in the car there's not mushroom!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Despicable Me.... and Books?

Today I went to go see Despicable Me with my mama and it was... AWESOME and SO funny. I absolutely loved it and i recommend that you go see it with the family. The little girl reminded me so much of my cousin Jaz (who is my number 1 fan!! lol i really dont know that for sure) she was so freakin adorable my favorite line has to be, "its so FLUFF-AY!!! I'm going to die!!!. So definately go and see it! :)

I also went to The Half Price Book Store today to sell my books, I took about a bag full and not just any bag those big eco friendly one. You know how much money I got? Two dollars and 50 cents. When I went to Bookmans yesterday I got $16 bucks for 7 books!! Unbelienable but I did buy The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks so I look forward to reading that.

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