Mexican Word of the Week

Mexican word of the week: Orale vato, when all my family gets in the car there's not mushroom!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Last Song

Today I was reading the bestest/saddest book EVER! I cried so flippin hard and I still haven't finished it yet but I hope it gets happy soon. I seriously recommend that you that read it, but I don't understand how the casted Miley Cyrus, because Ronnie is suppose to be a bitch and super mean. Anyways it's a long night and I seriously don't know what to talk about accept... 17 MORE DAYS TILL SCHOOL!!! I'm completely excited that schools starting I've been caged away from my friends I haven't seen any of them at all this summer and it makes me super sad :( but I'm just counting down the days!

Another thing is that I need new shoes they have holes in them!! Today my sock was coming out from the side of the shoes! Man it's horrible!

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