Mexican Word of the Week

Mexican word of the week: Orale vato, when all my family gets in the car there's not mushroom!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

My Brother


I have a brother named JR and like i said before we get along okay, but there are just those days were I'm like, "man i wish i could be an only child". My brother is very immature and doesn't exactly have the common sense or knowledge he should, for lack of better words. So in turn because we don't understand each other or because of my frustration, we don't see eye to eye a lot of the time. For awhile my anger consumed me and it was hard for me to accept that he wasn't going to be "normal". My brother's 15 and he has trouble spelling simple words and comprehending simple skills that we develop when we were younger. Don't get me wrong i love my brother even though at times he doesn't seem to think so, i just don't what it is about him that bothers me (kinda like the hair on your shirt that itches you and when you try to look for it you can't find it and it bugs you).

But on the other hand he can be funny and sweet, especially when he knows i need him. He can make me laugh watching any movie and there's those days where we just sit down and can watch movies together without arguing; those are the days i like the most. Where we don't have to try to be nice. The days where we can just be friends.

Your Sister

p.s i took a lot of time thinking about what i was going to say about him and each one of my family members (which is coming soon) and these are going to be frequently added too/edited because these people aren't set in stone.


  1. I know what you mean about that hair that itches/tickles and you can't find it!! Mann, It bugs bad lol.

    I read the about me and I love it :)

  2. i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove it
