Mexican Word of the Week

Mexican word of the week: Orale vato, when all my family gets in the car there's not mushroom!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Experinces and Random Thoughts

OK so today is officially not my day. I went to Bookmans today for the first time to sell some books, and its actually a pretty cool store. So after me and my mom turned in some books to sell we went looking around. We pretty much walked together because a.) we've never been there and b.) I had no money and if I saw anything I wanted I couldn't buy it :/, when we passed buy the games we were just talking about how we couldn't find the ps3 games. She walked away and left me talking by myself looking at games, when i turn around the only person I see is this guy (probably 17 kinda cute) looking at me and he takes off his headphones and says, "what?". Seriously I could feel my cheeks turn red and struggling to say something I looked at him and brilliantly said, "Um... I was just talking tooo...", turned around and walked away to find my mom. When I saw her I gave her a play by play of what happened and she laughed at me. OK i don't know if you know me well enough but if you do I'm NEVER speechless, people can barely get me to shut up. Clearly something must be wrong. :O

Secondly, I went up a bra size and its not funny. I am now a size D. Now i have to go shopping for some new ones and I just bought some not too long a go, IT WAS PRETTY!! and black. ugh. The only one I have is this gray one and it doesn't go with any of my spaghetti strapped shirts. This dilemma isn't as bad as the first one but still it sucks booty. What's gonna happen when i have kids?? OMG I don't even wanna think about it and neither should you, so forget that last part. And Katie if your reading this.... SO NOT FUNNY!! IT'S GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU NOW! XP mwahahahahaha (like the evil laugh thumbs up if you do☺ )


  • Have you ever flirted with some random person or where you like me and froze?
  • Ever wondered why youtube edits there music or does it just bother you?
  • Don't you hate it when people call you and hang up and when you ask them who it is all they say is wrong number, I do.
  • And people say what you have to say, I think some of the biggest regrets in life is holding back something you have to say and wondering, "what if". I think thats the worst thing ever. Don't let the what ifs in life dictate it.
  • Or when you think a guy in a band is super hot and you find out he's 35!! That's the worst. I was in LOVE with Billie Joe Armstrong till i found that out.
  • What about when your doing your hair cuz ur bored and it comes out perfect but when you want it too it never does??
Leave your stories and opinions in the comments :)



  1. Yes it is funny!!! If that happens to me I will just buy a bigger bra but, I think mine will stay just the 38C size that they are.
    And to answer number 1.-I have not flirted with some random person.

  2. i llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it
