Mexican Word of the Week

Mexican word of the week: Orale vato, when all my family gets in the car there's not mushroom!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Good, The Bad and Beautiful :)

This year has been something when it comes to friends, I've made some good and bad choices and some friendships have changed into more.

The summer before my sophomore I met this girl in summer school and she seemed super cool, she even switched schools for me. We instantly became close, too close. She became very clingy and mad whenever i went to go talk to someone else, and if you know me you know that i know a lot of people and say hi to them whenever i see them. then another issue came up, she started to date a guy who my best friend was in love with. At first it didn't bug me i was like, "hey if he likes her and not my bestie who am I to get in the way?". That thinking quickly got me into something deep, she basically treated this guy like shit and he, like an idiot, fell in love with her. My bestie was furious and I was as well, she just used him to get some kinda thrill which didn't sit well with me AT ALL. When I thought she was done with him she was just getting started, she went out with him for a second time, and when i asked hr why her response was, "just 'cuz". that set off SO many switches in me. My best friend was hurting over this guy and she knew it and she used that pain to get her upset. That was practically the end of the line. We continued being friends because quite frankly I felt sorry for her. Not one person I knew liked her they all hated her because of her attitude. Though our "friendship" lasted a few months after this so many other things hapened that aren't worth mentioning. Now that i pretty much covered the bad lets go to the good. :)

Some big ones are Katie, Isai, Paco, Mac, Anel, and Aidan. Katie was quickly become my sister, she talk day and night about anything and everything. A lot has happened to me this year and she's been there whenever I've needed it, I don't know what would have happened without her. I think part of the reason why we clicked was, because we share so much in common (its not even funny). We met in Spanish class and at first we really didn't talk because I was shy (surprised? better believe it) and it took me awhile to warm up to her. My only regret with her is that I didn't talk to her sooner.

Paco, who's real name is Erk is so funny. He can make me laugh and some day we're going to a rave together. He loves techno music and is smart and hard working he freaks out whenever he has a B. He's short like me, he's the coolest friend you can have, he's also one of the most honest and defends his friends to the end. Trust me.

Mac the way we met was actually a funny story. My cousin was playing Xbox and I was just talking on the mic and he asked if i was a little kid. I really don't know why it pissed me off so much but i cussed him out. Still pissed i asked my cousin if he had his number on his phone. When i began to text him he apologized and it was cool after that (FYI i get over things really fast) and we became friends by telling my cousin that he fell in love with me. That was hilarious. Mac and I like a lot of the same music and he's super cool! I don't know what it is about him, he's different but in a good way. Most guys I talk to ask me when I'm gonna give them a BJ (NEVER!) or when I'm gonna be their baby mama (FYI don't ever ask a girl that its super lame) but still he's never been like that with me. He's a dork too like me too, we talk about stupid stuff and food cuz he likes to eat a lot. His nickname is mac and cheese tehe i just noticed that its the name of food and he loves food, that's ironic.

Isai is my guy bestie. I love him a lot he's always been there for me just as much as Katie. He's also completely romantic and the sweetest guy I've ever met. He's also different, he's never said one cuss word since I've met him (which bugs the crap out of me) and he doesn't dance. He's kept every promise he's ever made to me which I completely respect him for. Sadly he's in New York (its 2138.26 miles away) and the only way we talk is through text which is hard because there's a 2 hour time difference. We text everyday and he's come out of his shell a lot since I first met him and I love him even more for it. :)

Anel, I don't even know where to start with her. She's there for me with ALL of my guy problems which is a lot cuz im flirtatious ;) and according to her I'm a freak even though I'm not. We met in biology and had the boringest teacher EVER! I think we first started talking cuz I was talking shit about him (ha!) and we've never stopped talking. Anel is so awesome and super cute! I love her laugh and we had so much fun in world history *wink wink* and lunch was awesome. She's one of the people who's made my year amazing and hope that i see her in at least one of my classes. Love ya lots.

The last person ima talk about is Aidan, who is my lil russian. Aidan is beautiful and CRAZY!! Both of us can't ever stop talking and we shared so many good memories in geometry. I love her also to death. One of the reasons why i like her so much is she doesn't care what other people think about her and she just acts like herself, which is what not alotta people do.

WOW! This is seriously the biggest post EVER and i hope that all the people i wrote about read this and love it, like i love them.


  1. hahaha..aww denise ily haha we both kno that yuw are a freakk :D and thx for beinq ther for mee and everytinq yuw sed bout mee isz' adorable!!:) thx

  2. Denise.... I Love You!!!!
    I'm really happy that I got the oppurtunity to meet you this year and share so much in common. I will continue to be here for you whenever you need me :). You already know your like familia to me and that's never changing!!

    -Katie <3

  3. wow u can write alot
