Mexican Word of the Week

Mexican word of the week: Orale vato, when all my family gets in the car there's not mushroom!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sorry I haven't been writing! I've become an addict... to myspace!! I hate to admit it but i have seriously been addicted like most of my friends told me! so anyways i'm pretty much brain dead cuz the only thing i have on the brain is skul cuz im so ready to go bak it not even funny!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010

So guys... I was talking to my friend and we were talking about weed. First off, let me start by saying I don't support it at all. My feelings are that it’s the worst thing ever (if you’re using it for recreational use, if its medical I understand). I know someone who smokes and it’s the worst thing ever, though he doesn't know it he's losing his family and one day he's going to wake up and realize that his family's not there. And I feel sorry for him because I know that it must be hard for him, but maybe what he doesn't realize is how hard it is for his family. When he borrows money from his children and they get upset it's not because they're stingy, it's because they don't want to support his habit. It's painful to see it happening, and it's painful to be involved in it. I don’t know a better way to explain it other than it sucks more than anything else in the world that I’m aware of. And if you know someone else who has a problem, I bet you know how it feels too. This is going to be a short entry. So….



P.S Sorry I didn’t write yesterday I had some company :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Contacting Me

Hey guys if u want to express anything and don't want to leave a comment get a hold of me, :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Last Song

Today I was reading the bestest/saddest book EVER! I cried so flippin hard and I still haven't finished it yet but I hope it gets happy soon. I seriously recommend that you that read it, but I don't understand how the casted Miley Cyrus, because Ronnie is suppose to be a bitch and super mean. Anyways it's a long night and I seriously don't know what to talk about accept... 17 MORE DAYS TILL SCHOOL!!! I'm completely excited that schools starting I've been caged away from my friends I haven't seen any of them at all this summer and it makes me super sad :( but I'm just counting down the days!

Another thing is that I need new shoes they have holes in them!! Today my sock was coming out from the side of the shoes! Man it's horrible!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


So yesterday I was talking to a friend and he said, "who wouldn't like you?" and that raised a question. Why do people like me? When I asked Katie why she said when I told her why then she'd tell me. Now I'm going to write why I Love my sister.

Katie is my go to girl and also one of the few people I've kept in touch with. I tell her everything and she has this strong faith in god. When I seriously feel like shit shes there no questions asked and listens to me before judging me (honestly I don't think she's ever judged me). I'm myself around her, I think she's even heard me snort and I only do that if 1.) your super funny or 2.) I know you very well and I trust you. We also like a lot of the same stuff like, Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Taylor Lautener aka Jacob, music, and fashion. We share a lot of the same morals like, No sex before marriage, not to judge people, listen to our parents, do well in school (I think she works harder than me lol) and be our selves no matter what. Some more stuff I like about her is that I call call her whenever and depend on her to be there and hear whatever's going on in my life, whether or not if it's important. I also know that she'll defend me and take care of me like a sister would. We also plan on living together in Flagstaff and in doing so we've talked about our plans and not once have we argued about anything, we compromise, were as other people would absolutely have to have there way.

I don't really know what else to say about her at the moment because I have this pounding headache :/ but what I do know about her with all my heart is that, she accepts me for who I am no matter how crazy, flirtatious, bitchy or sickening optimistic I'm being that day.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hmm.. For Once I Don't Know

As I'm writing this blog I was talking to my friend/sister Katie and the book I'm reading, The Last Song, and it got me thinking about the "L" word. Yes, I'm talking about love. I am a complete romantic. I'm the girl who wants to get swept off her feet and wants to come home everyday to someone who loves me no matter what I look like, whether its groggy from waking up, or a really bad hair cut or I'm completely sick and look like I'm dying. I don't think its too much to ask for, I'd do the same. I want that unconditional love and I want to give that to someone else.

People think I go through guys like nothing and that they're "whatever" to me, but that's not it. The thing is that my parents raised me to think and analyze my relationships and I think seeing some of the stuff my parents go through makes me kinda weary when it comes to high school relationships. My parents are high school sweet hearts and though they still love each other and I know they do, I just don't know if that life is for me. Three times this summer someone has told me that they're in love with me and to be honest it freaked me out. First of all they're my friends and it was weird. Secondly it made me question their feelings. How do I know what they're feeling is love? What does it mean to them? How serious are they? Do they understand what that means? Is it really love or just lust? Things like that run through my mind and when guys say that to me it makes me wanna run for they hills. Love is serious and scary when you don't know what you're getting into, especially when you're young.

Frankly I've never been in love (as you can probably tell), I've only read about it on the books and shows I've watched; they project this ideal image of what love is. Quite frankly, I don't know anything about love accept that when your in love, you'll know. Its not like right now I'm looking for love or anything, it's just something I want (I think everyone wants its, regardless if they admit it or not). Love is a very big deal and some people fall in and out of love all the time, some people fall in love and don't get love in return. And some people never experience it. When you put it all together it can be very depressing, but maybe you have to go through all the ugliness and when you get to the "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" its probably pretty magical.

This is pretty much life ya know? There's good and bad, light and darkness, anger and happiness, the list could go on but what we got to remember is that life wouldn't be as memorable with out the bad, life wouldn't have meaning without over coming the hardships (WOW, OK I just went off topic). But its the truth, the way I see it and I wanted to say it. So now that I'm done submerging you in my thoughts, I want you to meditate and think about love and life and how you see it.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Despicable Me.... and Books?

Today I went to go see Despicable Me with my mama and it was... AWESOME and SO funny. I absolutely loved it and i recommend that you go see it with the family. The little girl reminded me so much of my cousin Jaz (who is my number 1 fan!! lol i really dont know that for sure) she was so freakin adorable my favorite line has to be, "its so FLUFF-AY!!! I'm going to die!!!. So definately go and see it! :)

I also went to The Half Price Book Store today to sell my books, I took about a bag full and not just any bag those big eco friendly one. You know how much money I got? Two dollars and 50 cents. When I went to Bookmans yesterday I got $16 bucks for 7 books!! Unbelienable but I did buy The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks so I look forward to reading that.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Experinces and Random Thoughts

OK so today is officially not my day. I went to Bookmans today for the first time to sell some books, and its actually a pretty cool store. So after me and my mom turned in some books to sell we went looking around. We pretty much walked together because a.) we've never been there and b.) I had no money and if I saw anything I wanted I couldn't buy it :/, when we passed buy the games we were just talking about how we couldn't find the ps3 games. She walked away and left me talking by myself looking at games, when i turn around the only person I see is this guy (probably 17 kinda cute) looking at me and he takes off his headphones and says, "what?". Seriously I could feel my cheeks turn red and struggling to say something I looked at him and brilliantly said, "Um... I was just talking tooo...", turned around and walked away to find my mom. When I saw her I gave her a play by play of what happened and she laughed at me. OK i don't know if you know me well enough but if you do I'm NEVER speechless, people can barely get me to shut up. Clearly something must be wrong. :O

Secondly, I went up a bra size and its not funny. I am now a size D. Now i have to go shopping for some new ones and I just bought some not too long a go, IT WAS PRETTY!! and black. ugh. The only one I have is this gray one and it doesn't go with any of my spaghetti strapped shirts. This dilemma isn't as bad as the first one but still it sucks booty. What's gonna happen when i have kids?? OMG I don't even wanna think about it and neither should you, so forget that last part. And Katie if your reading this.... SO NOT FUNNY!! IT'S GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU NOW! XP mwahahahahaha (like the evil laugh thumbs up if you do☺ )


  • Have you ever flirted with some random person or where you like me and froze?
  • Ever wondered why youtube edits there music or does it just bother you?
  • Don't you hate it when people call you and hang up and when you ask them who it is all they say is wrong number, I do.
  • And people say what you have to say, I think some of the biggest regrets in life is holding back something you have to say and wondering, "what if". I think thats the worst thing ever. Don't let the what ifs in life dictate it.
  • Or when you think a guy in a band is super hot and you find out he's 35!! That's the worst. I was in LOVE with Billie Joe Armstrong till i found that out.
  • What about when your doing your hair cuz ur bored and it comes out perfect but when you want it too it never does??
Leave your stories and opinions in the comments :)



ok I've been dying to get my hands on some wayfarer sunglasses!! For those of you who dont know what they are they look lik that---->
So where can I find some????

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Good, The Bad and Beautiful :)

This year has been something when it comes to friends, I've made some good and bad choices and some friendships have changed into more.

The summer before my sophomore I met this girl in summer school and she seemed super cool, she even switched schools for me. We instantly became close, too close. She became very clingy and mad whenever i went to go talk to someone else, and if you know me you know that i know a lot of people and say hi to them whenever i see them. then another issue came up, she started to date a guy who my best friend was in love with. At first it didn't bug me i was like, "hey if he likes her and not my bestie who am I to get in the way?". That thinking quickly got me into something deep, she basically treated this guy like shit and he, like an idiot, fell in love with her. My bestie was furious and I was as well, she just used him to get some kinda thrill which didn't sit well with me AT ALL. When I thought she was done with him she was just getting started, she went out with him for a second time, and when i asked hr why her response was, "just 'cuz". that set off SO many switches in me. My best friend was hurting over this guy and she knew it and she used that pain to get her upset. That was practically the end of the line. We continued being friends because quite frankly I felt sorry for her. Not one person I knew liked her they all hated her because of her attitude. Though our "friendship" lasted a few months after this so many other things hapened that aren't worth mentioning. Now that i pretty much covered the bad lets go to the good. :)

Some big ones are Katie, Isai, Paco, Mac, Anel, and Aidan. Katie was quickly become my sister, she talk day and night about anything and everything. A lot has happened to me this year and she's been there whenever I've needed it, I don't know what would have happened without her. I think part of the reason why we clicked was, because we share so much in common (its not even funny). We met in Spanish class and at first we really didn't talk because I was shy (surprised? better believe it) and it took me awhile to warm up to her. My only regret with her is that I didn't talk to her sooner.

Paco, who's real name is Erk is so funny. He can make me laugh and some day we're going to a rave together. He loves techno music and is smart and hard working he freaks out whenever he has a B. He's short like me, he's the coolest friend you can have, he's also one of the most honest and defends his friends to the end. Trust me.

Mac the way we met was actually a funny story. My cousin was playing Xbox and I was just talking on the mic and he asked if i was a little kid. I really don't know why it pissed me off so much but i cussed him out. Still pissed i asked my cousin if he had his number on his phone. When i began to text him he apologized and it was cool after that (FYI i get over things really fast) and we became friends by telling my cousin that he fell in love with me. That was hilarious. Mac and I like a lot of the same music and he's super cool! I don't know what it is about him, he's different but in a good way. Most guys I talk to ask me when I'm gonna give them a BJ (NEVER!) or when I'm gonna be their baby mama (FYI don't ever ask a girl that its super lame) but still he's never been like that with me. He's a dork too like me too, we talk about stupid stuff and food cuz he likes to eat a lot. His nickname is mac and cheese tehe i just noticed that its the name of food and he loves food, that's ironic.

Isai is my guy bestie. I love him a lot he's always been there for me just as much as Katie. He's also completely romantic and the sweetest guy I've ever met. He's also different, he's never said one cuss word since I've met him (which bugs the crap out of me) and he doesn't dance. He's kept every promise he's ever made to me which I completely respect him for. Sadly he's in New York (its 2138.26 miles away) and the only way we talk is through text which is hard because there's a 2 hour time difference. We text everyday and he's come out of his shell a lot since I first met him and I love him even more for it. :)

Anel, I don't even know where to start with her. She's there for me with ALL of my guy problems which is a lot cuz im flirtatious ;) and according to her I'm a freak even though I'm not. We met in biology and had the boringest teacher EVER! I think we first started talking cuz I was talking shit about him (ha!) and we've never stopped talking. Anel is so awesome and super cute! I love her laugh and we had so much fun in world history *wink wink* and lunch was awesome. She's one of the people who's made my year amazing and hope that i see her in at least one of my classes. Love ya lots.

The last person ima talk about is Aidan, who is my lil russian. Aidan is beautiful and CRAZY!! Both of us can't ever stop talking and we shared so many good memories in geometry. I love her also to death. One of the reasons why i like her so much is she doesn't care what other people think about her and she just acts like herself, which is what not alotta people do.

WOW! This is seriously the biggest post EVER and i hope that all the people i wrote about read this and love it, like i love them.


Like I've told you guys before I'm a youtube junkie and I love music. So today while getting my daily dosage. Katie and me discovered some hits that we absolutely love.

Never Shout Never- Loosing it; Can't Stand It; Trouble

Girlicious- Maniac; Like Me

Cash Cash- Party in Your Bedroom

Stephen Jerzak- Lonely Hotel Room;
White Horse (Cover)

Ke$ha- Dancing With Tears in My Eyes

This song isnt exactly new bt damn its hot ;) Trey Songz- Neighbors Know My Name

So hopefully all these links work to these amazing songs :) enjoy hopefully it leads to a lot more discoveries leave comments if u think I'd lik anything else

Friday, July 9, 2010

Summer Vacation

Today’s entry was inspired by my “sis” Katie. Her entry was about how she never really went out this summer. I on the other hand went out but with my family. I went to Ulta and I completely love that place and make up, I saw 3 movies, (Toy Story 3, Eclipse and tomorrow Despicable Me) went ice skating, and went to my cousin’s house several times and went swimming. So I guess you can say my summer’s been “fun”. Well it has been on the days I’ve gone out and no I’m not a spoiled brat who has to go out to have fun and doesn’t appreciate anything that my parents do because I do. But the thing is, my mom was working the summer camp and I’ve stayed home till 4, which believe me isn’t the funnest way to spend half of your summer. I haven’t seen any of my friends at all, though I’ve kept contact with Katie and Aidan mostly. Too me it seems like everyone’s summer is going amazing. My only wish for this summer is that I can do something AMAZING, like a trip to Cali, which might actually happen towards the end of the month. So cross your fingers that I get to go or that we even go. I haven’t been to Cali since 4th grade and that was a school trip.

I also need a summer job. The reason why I want a job, besides the fact that I need money and tried of being home is that, this year in AVID they’re taking us to Cali to look at colleges/universities and have fun. I’m going to be 17 and hey a 4 day trip in Cali without my parents and surrounded by friends is flippin’ dream!!! Come on if your 17 or once was, you know this is a once in a life time opportunity that you cant pass up. The only kicker is that its going to cost a minimum of $300.

wish me luck :)

My Brother


I have a brother named JR and like i said before we get along okay, but there are just those days were I'm like, "man i wish i could be an only child". My brother is very immature and doesn't exactly have the common sense or knowledge he should, for lack of better words. So in turn because we don't understand each other or because of my frustration, we don't see eye to eye a lot of the time. For awhile my anger consumed me and it was hard for me to accept that he wasn't going to be "normal". My brother's 15 and he has trouble spelling simple words and comprehending simple skills that we develop when we were younger. Don't get me wrong i love my brother even though at times he doesn't seem to think so, i just don't what it is about him that bothers me (kinda like the hair on your shirt that itches you and when you try to look for it you can't find it and it bugs you).

But on the other hand he can be funny and sweet, especially when he knows i need him. He can make me laugh watching any movie and there's those days where we just sit down and can watch movies together without arguing; those are the days i like the most. Where we don't have to try to be nice. The days where we can just be friends.

Your Sister

p.s i took a lot of time thinking about what i was going to say about him and each one of my family members (which is coming soon) and these are going to be frequently added too/edited because these people aren't set in stone.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

High School/College

Today's just another day on this glorious summer that's happening... not! I'm really beginning to dislike phoenix it’s just so hot and yucky which is why I'm moving to Flagstaff in about 2 years, which brings me into something else, college.

College is where your suppose to experiment and party all night get drunk and have one night stands, what they don't tell you is that college is stressful and most freshman drop out. Now this is exactly what I don't want to happen to me. Neither one of my parents went to a university/college and for me I feel like it’s a lot of pressure because I want to not only succeed but exceed in everything I do.

My sophomore year was tough I've never worked so hard on anything so hard in my life. I'm usually laid back and school has always been easy for me. All that changed my first year of high school your priorities seem to change (ex. boys!!) well for me anyways. And I didn't seem to get back on track till that summer where my parents threatened me with online schooling, which would COMPLETELY kill me! Ask anyone who knows me I can’t keep my mouth shut for more then 5 minutes, maybe less. :) So I quickly shaped up. this year not only did I have all honors classes I had to take aims which didn't really worry me until my whole year all we did was work on stuff that had to with aims and then it hit me.. SHIT I might actually fail. So in panic mode I studied and thank god for AVID¹. Now that schools over I've received all of my aims scores and I've exceeded all of my tests except science (but hey that one doesn't count anyways and I passed it).

So in other words college is hard and I have a lot riding on me so wish me the best of luck.

Talk to you guys later and as always enjoy :)

¹ If you haven't heard of it, is a high school elective that helps you stay on track so you can go to college and have goals in life. My teacher is amazing FYI

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Untitled Poem

this poem was written about 3 years ago but when i re read them very recently i noticed they sucked so i revised:

hold me close dont let me go.

dont let me fade away

your love keeps me there.

relieve me from this blemished heart

that yearns for your affection,

the affection tht my heart craves,

the craving thts within my soul,

the soul tht has been untouched of pure intensions.

my spirit is ready for the unknown pureness tht only u can give .

so give into the craving of my heart

so give into the soul of my spirit

so give into the me, the me tht only you can see.

My First

Hey guys,
Hmm. I don't know what better way to say this besides being completely corny. This is my first ever blog and the idea was given to me by my mom. So I guess to start off this exciting new journey I'll talk about myself for a bit. I am the oldest cousin and sibling, I'm pretty much a nerd, love music and dancing, I read books and I love talking to my mom (a total teen at heart gotta love it) about books we've both read. Sometimes I snort when I laugh and I'm pretty random especially when I don't sleep, like today. I love people. there's just this feeling that I get when I know that something I’ve said has made someone’s day or made them feel less lonely or whatever their feeling; I'm a firm believer in karma. I'm pretty much your normal teenager. I'm bitchy, love to be with friends and very flirtatious when it comes to boys. In other ways I'm not. I believe in abstinence (so high five to those of you who do too), I have a great relationship with my parents I tell them PRACTICALLY everything, though I'm no angel.

Okay so this is quickly becoming the most I've ever talked about myself so lets talk about my family. I have one brother named Jr, he's um something. Me and him are exact opposites. When we were younger we fought A LOT but who didn't at that age? We’ve cooled down now, though sometimes we can’t stand the sight of each other. My parents are both 34, high school sweet hearts; they've been married for 17 years. My grandparents live across the street from my house which sometimes isn't really ideal. They care a lot about us but sometimes they get into our business and are very traditional Mexicans, meaning women do everything serve the men on hands n knees and the men go to work. Which isn't me at all I believe in equality. Hello!! what was the whole point of woman protesting for equal rights when we instill these traditions in the generations to come?

Anyways this is all I got for now which now looking over it has been a lot, so.... talk to you guys later :) enjoy